Wednesday, March 7, 2018

New Top 5 Bonsai Gardening Secrets

Top 5 Bonsai Gardening Secrets

Bonsai is a method of growing trees that originated in Asia and is often associated with the bonsai tree. Bonsai is the art of training a pot-bound tree to grow in a certain way. The tree is dwarfed by trimming its roots and branches. The branches are then wired to the trunk in order to achieve a controlled, mature-tree shape while balancing the top of the plant with the root system. Every part of the tree must be proportional, from its trunk to its leaves.

Bonsai growing can be practiced on many sizes and species of trees. A miniature bonsai grows 2 inches tall, while an average bonsai grows to be 2 feet tall. Growing a bonsai tree is an art form and a test of patience. No matter what type of bonsai an enthusiast chooses to grow, there are certain things they should know in order to get the best possible results. Here are the top five bonsai gardening secrets:

1. Watering

Never over water a bonsai tree because this may lead to root rot. Under watering is also harmful. Water should be Ph tested before use and adjusted to be more acidic before watering. It is important to water a bonsai tree frequently.

Bonsai trees can be grown in a shallow dish of water, as this will provide the tree with the humidity it needs. However, don't let it sit directly in the water. The roots will become oversaturated. Instead, sit the tree on rocks in the water.

2. Soil

Use special bonsai soil, which dries out faster than standard potting soil. Poor soil leads to an unhealthy tree. Good bonsai soil retains water well, allows excess water to drain immediately, and has good aeration.

3. Fertilization

Every spring and fall, feed the bonsai tree nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. Indoor bonsai trees should also be fed liquid plant food every other week. Bonsai trees do not need to be fertilized in the winter.

4. Pruning

Branches must be pruned in the spring. Most of the new growth should be clipped off and desirable branches wired to the trunk in order to control the direction in which the tree grows. Some bonsai trees need to be defoliated in the summer to help the tree grow new branches and leaves.

5. Sunlight

Bonsai trees require several hours of sunlight daily. However, they should not be placed in direct sunlight because they can overheat and dry out.

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